What it does

Indexes the content of your channel into search engines like Google.

Indexing occurs roughly ever 24 hours, although this may fluctuate depending on the number of servers Answer Overflow is in. This is to not overload the Discord API and to allow for questions to be solved before they are indexed.

Indexing starts at the beginning of the channel and works its way to the most recent messages. It may take a few days for a channel to be fully indexed, however, once it is fully indexed it will be updated every 24 hours.

Why you might want it

Indexing the content of your Discord server into web search engines like Google will allow people to find your content when they search for it. Otherwise they have to know your Discord server exists, and then try to find the answer to their question in your server. This is a lot of friction for people attempting to find answers to their questions about your product.


Use /channel-settings in the channel you want to enable indexing in. Click the Indexing settings menu and then click Enable indexing


Use /channel-settings in the channel you want to disable indexing in. Click the Indexing settings menu and then click Disable indexing

Indexing FAQ

I see my server questions on Answer Overflow, but cannot find them on Google.

Answer Overflow has no control over what content Google indexes. Your content is submitted via a sitemap to Google and it’s up to Google to evaluate it as relevant and high quality for indexing.

To have the best chance of your questions being indexed, try the following: