
What it does

Allows users to mark their forum post or thread as solved. The following people are able to mark a post as solved:

  • The original poster
  • Administrator
  • ManageChannels
  • ManageThreads
  • ManageGuild

When a post is marked as solved:

  • A solved indicator is added to the post, either a specific tag if selected or a ✅ emoji
  • The Answer Overflow bot sends a message to the thread with a message containing a jump to the solution link
  • The message resolving the thread is reacted to with a ✅ emoji

Automatic message sent by the Answer Overflow bot with a button to jump to the solution

Why you might want it

  • Allows supporters to find questions that have not been answered yet
  • Solution message on Answer Overflow gets highlighted to make it easier to find


Use /channel-settings in the channel you want to enable mark solution in. Click the Help channel utilities menu and then click Enable mark as solution


Use /channel-settings in the channel you want to disable mark solution in. Click the Help channel utilities menu and then click Disable mark as solution