What does Answer Overflow do

1. Index the content of your community

Assuming that a question has been solved in your server and no where else on the internet, let’s take a look at a user flow before and after Answer Overflow

With Answer OverflowWithout Answer Overflow
1. Google the question1. Google the question
2. Find the question indexed from your server in Google2. No relevant results found
3. Read the answer to the question3. Try to find a place to ask the question
4. Join the server linked on the question for further discussion4. Find a Discord server and join it (if the invite link is still valid)
5. Search in the server you just joined for your question
6. May or may not get results

Answer Overflow allows for your community members to focus on using your product, rather than hunting for answers.

To learn more about indexing, check out the indexing section.

2. Improve the quality of support in your community

More can be done beyond indexing your content. Another goal of Answer Overflow is to give communities more tools to improve their support channels.

This is done in the following ways:

  • Being able to mark questions as solved
  • Community analytics (coming soon):
    • Understand what questions are asked the most to improve documentation
    • Know which community members are the most helpful
    • Visualize trends in your community to understand health
    • See trends in answer page views to understand what questions are most important to your community
  • AI question answers trained off your community data (coming soon)
  • AI question improvement suggestions (coming soon)
  • Redirection to correct support channels (coming soon)
  • Linking to the GitHub sponsor of a person who solves a question (coming soon)

Check out the channel settings section for more!

Who is Answer Overflow for?

Answer Overflow is for public communities with a focus on support, such as:

  • Open source projects
  • Game servers
  • Game mod servers
  • Game development communities
  • Homework help communities
  • Hobbyist Communities
  • Any other community that wants to improve their support channels

Privacy and the Discord ToS

Answer Overflow is built to provide the best support for your community while also being compliant with the Discord ToS, while respecting your community members’ privacy.

In order for users’ messages to display publicly, beyond Discord, they must provide consent, via prompts. There are a number of ways that Answer Overflow does this in order to allow for ease of use for community members, while simultaneously indexing content to the web. You can read more about this in the displaying messages section.

By doing this, Answer Overflow is completely inline with the Discord terms of service and you can feel comfortable adding our bot to your server. As a bonus, we are an open source project.